I got there at about 8:45 and paid on straight away seeing as I was a little late. I’d not fished Carp Vale since I was in my junior league so it was good to be back as I did well on one match catching a few good carp on the method tight to the island on around peg 8 or 9. Seeing as we’d just got back from Whiteacres I didn’t have any time to tie up any rigs but most of them were on 0.15-0.18 so hopefully I’d still be able to haul some kippers out even though rumours of people being snapped on 0.22 were bounding around!

Since I was last at Carp Vale they’ve divided the big lake into 2, this now comprises of Match Pool and Cyprio. There is also the front pool but I’ve never fished this. We were to be on Cyprio and Frontpool today and to be fair I fancied Cyprio mainly because I’ve fished it before, so when I drew peg 18 out I was pretty chuffed!
I got to my peg and it looked like I’d be in for a nice easy days fishing. I had an island with roots and plenty of vegetation poking out and it was only around 13m away. I set up a rig tight to it comprising of a 0.4g BGT shallow long float on 0.18 with a PR36 size 16. I set up the same rig but with a 0.2g float for the left margin.
Time was called at 10am and I threw a handful of 6mm pellets in the margin, then shipped out to island with a 4mm expander and a kinder pot of 4mm pellets. The float sat motionless for a few minutes and then shot under! The pole nigh on got ripped out of my hands! I managed to haul it in, all 6lb of it. I went back out and caught another of a similar size. The next put out I didn’t get any sort of indication so shipped back in and went out double corn, it worked and I put another 3 carp all of around 4lb in the keepnet. I also managed a tench of about 2lb before my hour of bagging came to a dramatic standstill. At first I was thiniking if I can catch at this rate all match I would be on for a ton! However things didn’t materialise and I didn’t get another bite on the island for the rest of the match.
Midway through the match I saw Ian Bailey sitting on peg 8 I think, he had the majority of his pole in the air with elastic streaming out, he eventually netted what looked like a decent fish and then proceeded to fall in the lake! What was he doing? I think he lost his footing and slipped into the drink. The lad on the next peg helped him out and others gave him a cuppa and some dry clothes to try warm him up a bit.
Stu on the opposite side of my island had managed to hook it and Ian started shouting ‘that’s cheating, you cant pull it closer to you!’ I swear I had to put another section on!
I did manage to hook something that was probably nearer the description of a steam train than a fish down the margins which coincidentally snapped my 0.18 mainline. I put an identical rig on and managed to snare a tench of about 3lb. then that was it, the all out was called and by my predictions I had nearly 30lb, not brilliant but I though I might get a section from it. When the scales came round I managed to put 19lb 8oz on the scales! What?! I think my fish must have joined fat fighters when they were in the keepnet! I couldn’t believe it. I don’t think I’ll be estimating from now on, Paul Cooksy found this amusing as he thought I’d beaten him all match!
Ian Bailey even after going for a swim managed third with 64lb, John ‘Honest John’ Livesey put 75lb 8oz on the scales from peg 68ish for second and Martin (sorry, forgot your surname) managed 87lb 8oz for 1st.
All in all I enjoyed the match but perhaps I’ll have to learn to estimate before my next match.
I’m fishing the Northern Intersite team match for talkangling.co.uk on Saturday. The match is on Alders up at the Oaks so it should be a good match. Then on Sunday I’ve another club match up at Woodlands on Partridge.
Tight elastics………..
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